Several methods of determining moisture and ash content, with a focus on the weight loss on drying method for moisture and the weight loss after combustion method for ash.
Thermogravimetric Analysis of Moisture, Ash, Volatile Content, and Loss-on-Ignition
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Several methods of determining moisture and ash content, with a focus on the weight loss on drying method for moisture and the weight loss after combustion method for ash.
One of the most common moisture determination methods is a manual mass loss on drying using an air oven following the AOAC Moisture in Meat Method (950.46). Lloyd Allen will talk about how an automated thermogravimetric moisture instrument, such as the TGM800, meets the AOAC Official Method's requirements for sample mass, oven temperature, and air flow requirements while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving precision and workflow efficiency.
The AOAC Official Method (925.10) Solids (Total) and Moisture in Flour utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique that is widely used in the food industry. AOAC Official Method (923.03) Ash in Flour also utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique. Learn from Jeffery Gast how an automated thermogravimetric moisture determination instrument like the TGA801 can follow both of the AOAC Official Methods' requirements for oven temperature and airflow while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving workflow efficiency.