LECO Solutions for Moisture Analysis
Automated moisture or moisture/ash determination with a primary loss on drying method for replacing the slow labor intensive, manual air oven method is ideal for most applications in the foods, feeds, and milling products industry. LECO’s cutting-edge thermal gravimetric analyzers, TGM800 and TGA801, are industry leaders in every field and run simultaneously for 10 up to 38 samples! Flexible method setup, automation and hardware capabilities ensure an automated analysis process, requiring only manual measurement of the initial sample weight.
Moisture Content is a key parameter for all food and feed laboratories. It is needed for dry base calculations as well as for the general water content determination. In milk and milk products, the amount of total solids TS is an important parameter. Additionally, dairy products such as cheese require water content analysis for dry base calculations. This webinar gives an overview of automated thermogravimetry system, that analyzes simultaneously up to 16 samples for moisture content.
Designed for Moisture Analysis
Thermogravimetric Analysis of Moisture, Ash, Volatile Content, and Loss-on-Ignition
Explore TGA801Application Notes
Learn more with our latest Moisture Analysis application notes.
Determination of Moisture and Ash in Graphite
Graphite is a common, stable form of carbon, common in daily life and popular in electronics manufacturing. Thermogravimetric analysis can help determine purity of graphite samples.
- Moisture, Volatile, Ash in Biomass and Plant Tissue using TGA801
Watch our most recent videos on Moisture Analysis.
Moisture Determination in Milk and Milk Products
Moisture Content is a key parameter for all food and feed laboratories. It is needed for dry base calculations as well as for the general water content determination. In milk and milk products, the amount of total solids TS is an important parameter. Additionally, dairy products such as cheese require water content analysis for dry base calculations. This webinar gives an overview of automated thermogravimetry system, that analyzes simultaneously up to 16 samples for moisture content.
Moisture And/Or Ash Determination In Food With Automated TGA Systems
Several methods of determining moisture and ash content, with a focus on the weight loss on drying method for moisture and the weight loss after combustion method for ash.
Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture/Ash in Soils and Plant Tissues
Water content in soil and plant tissue is an important parameter that can influence crop growth, yield, and quality. In addition, moisture plays an important role in commerce and storage of food products. Determination of ash in soil can be used to approximate the organic content of the soil.