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Pegasus High-Resolution Gas Chromatograph

Pegasus GC-HRT High Resolution GC-TOFMS

Now with even more sensitivity than ever before, the Pegasus GC-HRT+ is the perfect tool for meeting the challenges of today’s highly complex analytical demands. This high performance mass spectrometer features industry leading mass accuracy, full mass range acquisition with exceptional speed, isotopic abundance, and mass resolution, all available within 1 injection.

Folded Flight Path (FFP) technology and a novel data acquisition system enable resolution of 50,000 FWHM, mass accuracies less than 1 ppm, and acquisition rates up to 200 spectra/second, all with the goal to facilitate rich analyte finding and high-confidence analyte identification.

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  • Mass accuracies of 1ppm and peak capacity potential at least two times greater than any mass spectrometer currently available on the marketplace
  • Encoded Frequent Pushing (EFP) contributes to a significant increase in sensitivity, expanded dynamic range, wide mass range, and much more.
  • Folded Flight Path (FFP) technology provides high resolution, enhanced sensitivity, and higher orders of TOF focusing
  • KADAS®, our patented ion statistics-based data acquisition system, dramatically reduces noise, ensures mass accuracy, and reduces file size.
  • What else is in your sample? In cases where ambiguity exists, Ultra High Resolution mode combined with HRD will pull apart highly isobaric ions (mass differences ~ 0.02amu).
  • Multi-Mode Source (MMS) combines EI, Positive Chemical Ionization CI, and Electron Capture Negative Ionization (ECNI)
Pegasus High-Resolution Gas Chromatograph
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