LECO Solutions for Metabolomics
Metabolomics presents challenges from sample introduction to the analytical methods used, and the data reduction required to interpret the results. No single analytical technique can be used for complete characterization of the metabolome, and no metabolome has ever been completely characterized.
Despite these challenges, LECO’s just-in-time derivatizer coupled with the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometers (GC-MS) provides an established method to introduce samples into the GC-MS and analyze the primary metabolome, whereas other techniques simply investigate the secondary and tertiary metabolites. One of the principal challenges in metabolomics is the detection and identification of unknowns; you need to know what else is in your sample to successfully characterize it, and our GC-MS solutions give you a clear advantage. Our solutions have a robust automated derivatization and sample introductory method, separation, accuracy, resolving power, deconvolution, and speed to characterize the most complex metabolite profiles.
Comprehensive Non-Targeted Characterization of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Human Plasma Using GCxGC with High-Performance TOFMS
Designed for Metabolomics

Application Notes
Learn more with our latest Metabolomics application notes.
A Comprehensive GC-TOFMS Metabolomics Workflow
Early Type 2 Diabetes prediction can be facilitated by the implementation of a metabolomics method for the identification of T2DM biomarkers. A complete automated derivatization workflow is explored.
- High-Resolution GCxGC for Improved Yeast Metabolite Characterization
Introduction to Simply GCxGC
An Online Guide for Optimizing Comprehensive Two Dimensional GC Separations
- StayClean Ion Source Stability
- Metabolomic Profiling of Corn and Rice Extracts Using a Benchtop GC-TOFMS
Watch our most recent videos on Metabolomics.
Discovering volatile biomarkers using GCxGC-TOFMS
Dr. Heather Bean (Arizona State University) discusses using GCxGC-TOF MS to detect and phenotype infections directly from lung samples.
Breath Analysis – Investigating the Human Volatome
Copresenters Renee Cataneo & Mayur Mundada [Menssana Research Inc.] discuss data obtained through GCxGC TOF-MS analysis of breath samples. Originally presented 20 September 2012.
Science from Beyond the Grave: a Virtual GC Symposium
Three GC/MS Experts embrace the 'spookier' side of mass spectrometry.
Jane Hill, from the University of British Columbia, brings her expertise on 'omics and medical diagnostics in Disease: Trick or Treat? Metabolomics is changing how we monitor our health
Albert Lebedev, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, has suggestions and advice for what to do if you meet a mummy (and happen to have access to mass spectrometry!) in What Mass Spectrometry can tell you about 5000 year old Mummies
Shari Forbes, Director of Canada's Secure Site for Research in Thanatology, will finish the symposium with a look into GCxGC mass spectrometry and the wider range of research and training that can come from Canada's first body farm in Death, Decomposition and Dogs