Empowering ResultsAnalytical Industry innovations since 1936

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We take away the stress and frustration your laboratory experiences when faced with the increasing demands of doing more with less.

The one thing all laboratories need to be successful is results they feel confident in. Since 1936, millions of samples worldwide have been analyzed using LECO instruments for elemental analysis, thermal analysis, metallography, and mass spectrometry. Our comprehensive solutions for improving productivity include working with you to find the right equipment for the type of analysis you are doing — and providing you with the training, application support, and service you need to keep your lab running at its best.

Discoveries with Dr. Dave: Detecting PFAS in Anti-Fog Solutions with GC-MS

Since the first humans walked the earth, our species has been changing the world. Brilliant minds throughout existence have provided[...]Read this story

What's Behind Your Beer's Aroma This St. Patrick's Day?

St. Patrick’s Day is an annual feast day celebrating the patron saint, St. Patrick. It’s a national holiday in both[...]Read this story

Polish Your Worries Away

In 1973, LECO Corporation introduced the industry’s first line of complete solutions for metallographic analysis. All of these instruments typically[...]Read this story

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