GCxGC Video

Displaying  17  of 37 GCxGC video
Title and Description
Cannabis Potency Testing and Terpene Profiling

Dave Alonso explores GCxGC TOFMS analysis of cannabis samples for understanding of terpene and cannabinoids among cannabis cultivars.

Characterization of Beverage Products Containing Cannabidiol (CBD) by GCxGC TOF-MS

Liz Humston-Fulmer [LECO] utilized GCxGC TOF-MS technologies to understand the chemical composition of CBD-infused beverages.

Simply GCxGC

Lorne Fell [LECO] briefly discusses comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, and demonstrates how to establish GCxGC methods utilizing the Simply GCxGC software.

Flow Modulation: A Simple Approach to Resolving Complex Mixtures

John Seeley [Oakland University] discusses various modulation technique for sample introduction into GCxGC columns.

Analyzing Light Crude Oil and High Boilers with GCxGC

Thomas Groger [University of Rostock] discusses the benefits that GCxGC provided their laboratory with the study of crude oils, bitumen, and various high boilers (solvents added to slow evaporation rates).

Single Substrate Analysis with GCxGC TOF-MS

"Better, Greener, Faster" Webinar presented by Bob Nelson and Chris Reddy, from the Woods Hole Oceanic Institution, September 2017.

GCxGC Made Simple, with Simply GCxGC

Mark Merrick [LECO] overviews comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, and introduces Simply GCxGC, a comprehensive 2D gas chromatography method optimization online tool.

Webinar: Chemical Composition on Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater

Advanced Instrument Development and Applications for Harsh Environments

Mark Libardoni, from the Southwest Research Institute, discusses the plausibility of ultra-micro GCxGC instruments for the ability to send analytic systems into space or other extreme environments. Also included in this video: Robert Synovec [University of Washington] presents "Increasing Peak Capacity Production for GCxGC TOF-MS" [start time: 27:20].

Comprehensive Characterization of Environmental Samples

Peter Haglund [Umeå University] explores two-dimensional gas chromatography techniques in various environmental samples, including house dust, garbage dump leachate, biota (flora and fauna of a given region), and municipal sewage treatment plants.

Theory and History of GCxGC

John Dimandja [Spelman College] discusses the theory and history of comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatography with easy-to-understand examples.

Dioxin Analysis: Uncovering Pollutants Ignored by Targeted Analyses

Peter Gorst-Allman [LECO] discusses the usage of GCxGC TOF-MS (with the Pegasus BT 4D) to analyze dioxins in samples, in accordance to EPA 1613.

Mega Multi-Analyte Methods and Emerging Pollutants of Concern

Jack Cochran [Restek] discusses the increased peak capacity in two-dimensional comprehensive gas chromatography, examining samples from oil spills and other large pollution events.

Small Molecule Metabolite Profiling and Characterization

John Heim & Jeff Patrick [LECO] discuss GCxGC-TOFMS benefits to metabolomic study, with various experiment results analyzed.

Forensic Screening of Non-Derivatized Drugs in Urine

John Heim [LECO], discusses the capability of GCxGC TOF-MS for drug screening analysis with limited sample preparation.

Exploring GCxGC Effectiveness as Routine Analysis Technique

GCxGC: Theory, Practice and Optimization

Pete Stevens [LECO] introduces viewers to theory and operation of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) and provides insight into optimization for sample runs.