Science from Beyond the Grave: a Virtual GC Symposium
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Three GC/MS Experts embrace the 'spookier' side of mass spectrometry.<br /><br />
Jane Hill, from the University of British Columbia, brings her expertise on 'omics and medical diagnostics in <i>Disease: Trick or Treat? Metabolomics is changing how we monitor our health</i><br /><br />
Albert Lebedev, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, has suggestions and advice for what to do if you meet a mummy (and happen to have access to mass spectrometry!) in <i>What Mass Spectrometry can tell you about 5000 year old Mummies</i><br /><br />
Shari Forbes, Director of Canada's Secure Site for Research in Thanatology, will finish the symposium with a look into GCxGC mass spectrometry and the wider range of research and training that can come from Canada's first body farm in <i>Death, Decomposition and Dogs</i>