Gas Chromatography Presentations
Title and Description |
Utilizing Hydrogen Carrier Gas for Fast GC-MS
Hydrogen as a carrier gas for GC-TOFMS analysis is explored. |
Evaluation of HR-TOFMS with the Multi-Mode Ion Source and the Automated Direct Inlet Probe
ASMS 2021 |
Ion Source Robustness on the StayClean Ion Source
Highly Sensitive TOF Mass Spectrometry Allows for New User-friendly Flow Modulator Design for GCxGC
Is a Never-Clean Ion Source Possible? Is it Possible to Prove It?
Direct Extraction EI Source for GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS
ASMS 2018Direct extraction EI sources used in GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS create ions from neutral analytes, as well as from the ion packets that are pulsed down the TOF drift region. |
High-speed Analysis: Combining Fast GC with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Complex Sample Analysis in Under One Minute
Fingerprinting the Terpene Profiles of Various Cannabis Strains using GC and GCxGC with High Performance TOF-MS
GCxGC Method Development using Software
Simply GCxGC, free software for GCxGC method development, is explored. |
High Throughput Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Human Urine
Illicit drug use by teenagers and young adults continues to increase in the United States. Many forensic laboratories are experiencing increased workloads and reduced resources. |
Jelly Bean Flavors BT-GC-TOFMS
GCxGC-HRMS: Combining Multidimensional GC with Ultra High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Samples
Accurate Deconvolution by Exploiting Differential Expressions
ASMS 2017A set of chromatography-mass spectrometry data for multiple related samples may be considered as a tensor with spectral, retention, and experimental dimensions. |
Determining High-Concentration Aromatic Compounds in Gasolines (ASTM D5769) Using CG-TOFMS
International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC) 2016ASTM D5769 is a widely accepted standard method used in the petroleum industry for determination of benzene, toluene, and total aromatics in finished gasolines by GC-MS. A common difficulty encountered with this method is the concern with saturation of the ion source, which leads to nonlinearity in calibration curves, especially for the quantification of the high-concentration aromatics, such as toluene. |
Increasing Resolution in Multi-Reflecting TOFMS with Folded Flight Path
Recent advancements in High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry based on the Multi-Reflecting design of LECO's Folded Flight Path mass analyzers are presented. |
Sub-Picogram Detection and Identification of Analytes using GC-TOFMS
Yeast is difficult to study due to chemical and physical complexities of metabolites and wide concentration ranges. High-Resolution GC and GCxGC can provide efficient analysis of these complex samples. |
SPME GC-TOFMS for Non-Target Characterization of Wine Samples
Commercial available wines were analyzed through SPME injection using GC-TOFMS for targeted and non-targeted analysis. |
Harness the power of Accurate Mass Spectral Databases
Review the benefits of utilizing mass spectral databases as identification tools for mass spectrometry. |
Optimization of a Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization source for Gas Chromatography used with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Fragmentation Trees for Automated de novo Interpretation of Impure Electron Ionization Spectra from Gas Chromatographic Complex Mixture Analysis – Chemical Deconvolution