Gas Chromatography Application Notes

Displaying  16  of 56 Gas Chromatography application notes
Reference Title and Description
203-821-526 Metabolomic Profiling of Corn and Rice Extracts Using a Benchtop GC-TOFMS

203-821-528 Barbiturates Urine Pegasus BT

Rapid Screening Analysis for Barbiturates in Human Urine by GC-TOFMS

203-821-525 Analysis of Fats in Food Products with GC-TOFMS

Reporting the fat content of food on packaging material is required for many products. For this reason, the ability to detect and distinguish different types of fats is important. The AOAC has an official method, Method 996.06, for the detection of fats (total, saturated, and unsaturated) that uses GC paired with FID to separate fatty acids, derivatized with methylation.

203-821-504 Quantitative Analysis of y-Hydroxybutyrate in Hair using Target Analyte Finding Processing of Comprehensive GC-HRT Data

203-821-503 How Comprehensive is Your Analysis? Human Molecular Profiling Using High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

203-821-492 Disinfection Byproducts Water

203-821-481 Characterization of Green Leaf Tobacco Extracts Using GC-HRT

203-821-478 Unambiguous Pesticide Identification in Cigarette Tobacco

203-821-477 Differential Analysis of Olive Oils with Pegasus GC-HRT and ChromaTOF-HRT Reference Feature

203-821-448 Jet Fuel Analysis by HRTOFMS: EI, CI, and Accurate Mass

203-821-447 Enhanced Metabolite Profiling: Hard and Soft Ionization High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

203-821-410 Light Crude Oil

203-821-435 Comprehensive Analysis of Drug Residues from a Confiscated Pipe: GC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with Chemical Ionization to Facilitate Unknown Identification

203-821-449 Identifying Polymer Extract Components wth EI and CI GC-HRTOFMS

203-821-422 Application of GC High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to Mouse Liver Metabolomic Analyses

Liver disease affects more than 800 million people worldwide causing at least 1.5 million deaths annually. Mice provided a reliable model for detection of polychlorinated biphenyls associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

203-821-408 Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Fish Oil Supplements by Gas Chromatography with High-Performance Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish per week, specifically fish with high fat content such as tuna and salmon. In this study, the advantages of using the Pegasus GC-HRT to analyze complex matrices such as fish oil are highlighted.