Glow Discharge Application Notes

Displaying  14  of 34 Glow Discharge application notes
Reference Title and Description
209-076-039 Psuedo Elements: Use, Format, Example, Explanation and Discussion

An operator can utilize a pseudo element to assist in obtaining the correct analytical result between two analytical wavelengths, or as a calculator for a carbon equivalent.

209-076-036 Quantitative Depth Profile Analysis of Carburized Steel

209-076-037 Bulk Analysis of Fasteners using 2mm Lamp

Fasteners such as bolts, screws, and rivets must meet various physical requirements as well as chemical compositional specifications.

209-076-034 Quantitative Depth Profile Analysis of Elastomer Bonded Steel Sandwich

209-076-033 Routine Analysis of Difficult Alloys

209-076-032 Bulk Analysis of Tool Steels

209-076-035 Understanding the Glow Discharge Source

209-076-027 Quantitative Depth Profile Analysis of Galvanized Steel

209-076-030 Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry Accordance with ASTM E415

209-076-029 Analysis of Stainless Steels

209-076-028 Quantitative Depth Profile Analysis of Aluminum Clad

209-076-026 Analysis of Cast Irons

209-076-025 Analysis of Low Alloy, Cr-MO, 12L14 and Hadfield Steels

209-076-024 Quantitative Depth Profile Analysis of Plated Samples