Metallography Application Notes

Displaying  16  of 16 Metallography application notes
Reference Title and Description
203-821-695 CX300 Sectioning for Weld Evaluation

For numerous applications, it is necessary to measure the quality of a weld, and there are several methods for doing so. Making a sacrificial test weld and using a microscope to measure the weld's critical areas is a popular technique. This procedure may require a lot of time and resources. However, by skipping the mounting and polishing stages, the work can be kept more efficient. Bypassing those phases in the metallographic sample preparation procedure, this "Cut and Etch" technique yields accurate readings.

203-821-323 Cement Clinker Analysis

203-821-313 Hardness Determination in Decarburized Steel with AMH43

203-821-511 Hardness Profile in Decarburized Steel using AMH55

203-821-473 Gross Calorific Value in Metallurgical Coke using AC600

203-821-454 IA44 Nodularity Ductile Cast Iron

203-821-453 IA44 Porosity Cast Aluminum

203-821-446 DSX Series Fine Tuning Focus and Exposure

203-821-445 DSX Series Best Image Feature

203-821-451 DSX Series Image Stitching with Autostage

203-821-450 DSX Series Image Stitching with Manual Stage

203-821-460 Fastick System with CAMEO Grinding

203-821-461 Fastick System with SiC Grinding

203-821-428 CAMEO Procedure for Case Depth Samples

203-821-239 CAMEO Magnetic Disc for Manual Preparation of Samples

203-821-232 CAMEO Magnetic Disc for Automatic Grinders and Polishers