New Pegasus® BT 4D Nofer Institute Of Occupational Medicine In Łódź

We are proud to announce the successful delivery and installation of a unique apparatus set at our unique customer. NOFER INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE in Łódź, which includes the BIOLOGICAL MONITORING AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT, headed by Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Wojciech Wąsowicz is a thriving and opinion-forming center, participating in many national and international programs.

Doctor Wiktor Wesołowski, assistant professor in the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Environmental Monitoring and Organic Substances (which is an integral part of the Department), together with the Head of the Laboratory prof. Jolanta Gromadzińska, they are the authors of very interesting publications in the field of environmental monitoring, published in international journals. Doctor Wiktor Wesołowski is an analyst with vast experience who will certainly use the possibilities of the new acquisition.

And we are talking about a set with huge possibilities because this is certainly what LECO Pegasus BT 4D has, i.e. a complete two-dimensional gas chromatography system with a mass spectrometer detector with a time-of-flight analyzer (GC×GC-TOF MS) with a richly equipped autosampler of our partner GERSTEL. Autosampler equipped with an automatic thermo desorption module (TD) together with a mechanism to introduce a sample into the system and two dispensers, the first with programmable evaporation temperature (PTV) and the second operating in split / splitless (S / SL) gas stream evaporated sample will certainly improve the operation of many laboratories. In addition, a complete two-dimensional gas chromatography system with a FID flame ionization detector, an ECD electron capture detector and an automatic, robotic system for introducing LECO L-PAL liquid and gas samples.

Congratulations to our friend Agata Kledecka responsible for sales, Paweł Nowiński head of service at LECO Poland and our service team guru Josef Rut from LECO Czech. It would be extremely difficult for us without your huge commitment. We are strong as a team and we can always count on direct or online support from our foreign colleagues. Special thanks also to the whole IMP team for exemplary cooperation in the implementation of this project during this difficult epidemic times.

These types of projects give us special energy and being only the beginning of cooperation with a new customer are the motivation for our further efforts in striving for joint success.
